Payment terminals Payment terminals

Payment terminals

ecommerce Payment gateway

Payment gateway


    Claims procedure

    Here you will find answers to further questions regarding our payment services.

    A claim can be filed in the following ways:

    By phone – through our Merchant Service Center.
    By e-mail - by sending a message to the e-mail address
    In writing – by sending a message to our correspondence address at V olšinách 626/80, Strašnice, 100 00 Praha 10 at the MONETA registered office at V olšinách 626/80, Strašnice, 100 00 Praha 10
    A response to a claim can be obtained in one of the following ways:
    • By e-mail – the reply will be sent to the recipient’s e-mail address.
    • In writing – the reply will be sent to the correspondent’s correspondence address.

    The claim is verified immediately upon receipt but no later than within 15 working days. In complicated cases when it is impossible to settle the claim and provide a response within the aforementioned period of within 15 working days, this period may be extended, but still no later than 35 working days from the reporting of the claim. The Merchant will be informed about the reasons that caused the delay, the planned date for the settlement of the claim, and the issue of a response.


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